Every Month invoices and statements will be created and emailed to your clients. Fees can also be collected automatically or recorded manually.
Invoice status gets monitored and you can easily view the invoices which are paid, due or past due in invoices tab or draw a detailed report.
Clients have access to view their current invoices and statements or process a payment, at their convenience from their own customer portal.
No more need to manually create and email your invoices and statements out
No time wasted reconciling your payments and past due invoices, system does it for you
Import/ Export your client information to easily create additional clients or make bulk changes
With your invoicing automated along with the reconciliation you have more control of the cash
flow into the organisation
Define and enforce custom Billing Rules which automatically reminds Clients of outstanding/failed
payments and suspended accounts if necessary
Bill Again allows you to record payments done outside of the system manually or supports debit orders, credit cards
and HPP transactions
Manually Invoice Clients for additional services not included in subscription fees, these are
automatically integrated with the rest of the billing process
Compatible with accounting software such as Pastel and Quickbooks, export statements directly from Bill Again
Clients can access and view their invoices and statements at any time and from any device using your
customisable Member Portal
Bill Again is fully mobile compatible which means all its functions can be accessed from your tablet or
mobile device when you are on the move